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"SchitzNet - LVL (5) Frequency Weapons Research and Testing Platform" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Invented by: Cody W. Ashmore Developed by: ☭ F-59 Guerrilla - The Caucasian Resistance of Fresno ☭ (BTC Donation Address:) bc1qkjc288tce9rktr2feey3nuahhzz2kyea63f9d3 (Millix Donation Address:) 1NPSjczhXWxbH2v6V3yxYgRCQLXAR4r69h0a01EH53ZToXMoSbJqBL7bCERev5vDZKm1Drh ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- !Thank You For Using SchitzNet! SchitzNet is new LVL (5) Frequency Weapons Research and Development/Testing Platform invented by: Cody W. Ashmore, and developed by: F-59 Guerrilla - The Caucasian Resistance of Fresno. The reason this program was developed, was because the standard Intel audio device has the capabilities of generating frequencies up to 48,000 Hz on average, however most systems prevent the audio device from producing any frequency under 20 Hz as well as any frequency over 20,000 Hz, due to severe health risk, caused by high levels of (R-F) Radio-Frequency Radiation, as well as (U-S) Ultra-Sonic Radiation. Anything under 20 Hz is (R-F), and anything over 20,000 Hz is (U-S). One example of this is the programs: Equalizer APO and Peace Equalizer GUI. These programs of which cannot generate or test audio frequencies below 20 Hz, as they are designed to work within the capabilities of standard audio hardware and software. Therefore the only way around this was to generate a python script that would allow the user to manipulate their standard audio device, and disable the security/safety mechanisms so that the user could achieve 100% full functionality of His or Her audio device. This is how i came up with the python script for the program SchitzNet. (SchitzNet.py) One special benefit of SchitzNet is it allows the user to do a lot more than just adjust the frequency, as it allows for custom options as well. Such as: - Enforcing Frequency Intervals. - Enforcing Frequency Ranges. - Setting Frequency Duration. - Setting Frequency Amplitude. - Setting Waveform Type. - Setting Phase Offset. ----- A Clean (Non-Filtered) Wave is Known As a "CleanWave" ----- A Schitz (Filtered) Wave is Known As a "SchitzWave"

You can Pre-Order SchitzNet's Pre-Release At: https://tangled.com/c/b8ad3bae32234e3a1d393753d00cb214135ebd137

Since I Am Referring You To Tangled Social You May As Well Use My Referral Link: https://codyashmore.tangled.com/join

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